Technology December 4, 2019
Software firm links credits to CSCMP certification, will add courses for carriers and 3PLs in 2020.
Logistics software provider FourKites Inc. has launched a continuing education platform that offers supply chain visibility courses for shippers, and will add similar platforms in 2020 for carriers and third party logistics providers (3PLs), the firm said today.
Based on MIT’s method of modular, active learning, the self-paced courses will explore FourKites’ “predictive supply chain visibility” platform in depth, teaching participants the ins and outs of load tracking, integrations, visibility best practices, and tools for success, including notification rules and analytics dashboards. Participants can take only those classes they are interested in, or they can complete four of the six modules to earn FourKites Certification.
“Collaboration is the next frontier in supply chain management, and a robust community is vital to facilitating productive collaboration,” FourKites COO Stephanie Kolaczynski said in a release. “By better understanding the FourKites platform and the value of interconnectivity, both within and outside their organization, FourKites-certified logistics professionals can optimize their end-to-end supply chain.”
Chicago-based FourKites also said it has linked the new coursework to supply chain management certification programs provided by industry group The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP).
CSCMP will now count the FourKites class credits towards its own requirements that CSCMP certification holders must complete “continuing education” in order to maintain their status. “Today’s logistics and supply chain management professionals must always be learning, as our discipline is continually growing, evolving, and taking advantage of the opportunities and tools that are developed,” CSCMP President and CEO Rick Blasgen said in a release. “It is our obligation to keep abreast of the latest in our field. We will always bring the best education to our members, and we’re proud to partner with FourKites to bring that education to more supply chain professionals.”
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