There are a number of things you will commonly hear your partners say on a date, and you don’t want to spend too much time analyzing it. You should go over it in your mind once, and if you don’t like what you’re hearing, you should stop dating this person. The statements that are mentioned in this article should not be seen as sarcasm or an exaggeration. It should be taken at face value.
You may sometimes hear your partners say that they are “not a good girlfriend or boyfriend.” When this statement is made, this generally means that your partner is trying to say that they are not ready for a relationship that is serious. If the two of you are already together, this may also be a sign that they are trying to get you to end the relationship. If you are a woman and a man tells you that he “hasn’t treated women right in the past,” this is a sign that you should run in the other direction. First, this person has a large ego. Second, by making this comment, they are demonstrating bad manners. In any event, why would you want to be with someone who makes a statement like that?
Another comment you may hear you date say is that “I’am sure I never want to have children.” In most cases, they will be telling the truth. No matter how much you may like this person, if you have it set in your heart that you would one day like to have children, this is a sign that the two of you have completely different value systems. It is best not to continue dating them further. Trying to change them will generally not work, and you may find yourself missing out on potential dates with people who are interested in having children. Another common statement made on dates is that “I’m not sure what I want to do with my life.”
While this statement shows that your partner is honest, and it also shows that they lack ambition, and if they don’t know what they want for themselves, how can they know what they want from their date? A person that makes this statement may not be a good partner for someone who is ambitious and knows exactly what they want out of life.