CSCMP Notebook
By Supply Chain Quarterly Staff | November 15, 2019
Instead of searching the website looking for materials, members can now access all of CSCMP’s online learning materials via the E-Learning Hub.
Since 1963, the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) has been providing career development and educational opportunities to the logistics and supply chain management community. To help continue this legacy and make it easier for members to find materials, CSCMP has launched its new E-Learning Hub where members can access more than 100 virtual supply chain courses, webinars, case studies, and articles.
“Ongoing professional development is paramount if we as supply chain professionals are to remain on top of our everchanging discipline. CSCMP continues to invest in providing our members the best possible education, and flexible methods of delivering it,” said Rick Blasgen, president and CEO of CSCMP. “Our latest innovative investment is our new E-Learning Hub. It will provide easy access and a single place to go for all of your CSCMP development tools”.
When visiting the E-Learning homepage, members can search for materials by topics ranging from integrated supply chain management to order fulfillment and customer service, or they can click on specific links to access on-site education opportunities, Hot Topics articles, e-learning courses, certification courses, webinars & EDGE Sessions, and more.
Also included in the hub is the Academic Case Study Library. Created and curated by the academic community, the case studies offered in this link provide teaching notes and data files to help fellow academics teach their classroom lessons. Please note that teaching notes and data files are only available to current CSCMP academic members.
Visit today to see the full list of education courses CSCMP has to offer.
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